jeff molina video

 UFC fighter Jeff Molina is opening up on his sexuality after a video showing him performing a sex act on another man was leaked to social media this week ... saying he was stripped of the opportunity to announce he is bisexual the way he wanted.

Molina, 25, is now the first male UFC fighter to say he’s part of the LGBTQ community. The talented flyweight showed support for the LGBTQ community last year by wearing Pride Month fighter shorts for his bout at UFC Vegas 56. Molina received much negativity on social media for wearing the special fighter kit and even needed to defend the LGBTQ community after his victory. This was before anyone in the MMA community knew Molina had identified as bisexual.

The 25-year-old shared an emotional statement to Twitter on Friday ... saying, "Not the way I wanted to do this but the chance to do it when I was ready was taken from me."

Molina -- who's currently suspended for his alleged role in a betting scheme -- said he was not planning to come out during his career ... adding he wanted to be known for his skills rather than being the "'bi UFC fighter' that I'm sure would just be translated to 'gay UFC fighter.'"

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